
EECI Graduate Course

I will teach the EECI graduate course “Multi-agent optimization and learning: resilient and adaptive solutions” with Prof. Ruggero Carli and Prof. Luca Schenato (Univ. of Padova).

The course will be held May 6-9, 2025 in London, UK. Registration is now open here. The flier of the course is available here.


EECI graduate school

On 13-17/02/2023 I will be teaching a graduate course for EECI alongside Prof. Ruggero Carli and Prof. Luca Schenato. The course is titled “Multi-Agent Optimization and Learning: Resilient and Adaptive Solutions” and will provide an in-depth look at distributed optimization and learning algorithms, with particular focus on challenging scenarios (communication failures, asynchrony, …). The flyer for the course can be read here and more information on registration is available here.


NecSys’22 short course

In July 2022 I will teach a short course on distributed optimization with Prof. Ruggero Carli and Prof. Luca Schenato. The course takes place on 3-4 July 2022 at ETH Zurich, just before the NecSys’22 conference. Check out this page for more details.