I’m happy to report that I have been admitted to the CSS Conference Editorial Board.
Tag: service
Two ECC’24 wokshops!
My collaborators and I have submitted two workshops for the upcoming European Control Conference (ECC’24), which will be held on June 25 in Stockholm. The workshops are:
- Physics-Informed Learning in Control, and
- Navigating uncertainty: online multi-agent control, optimization and learning
Registration is now open here.
Workshop on Trustworthy AI
As partner in the Horizon Europe Ultimate project (https://ultimate-project.eu/) my group at KTH is co-organizing an online workshop on Trustworhy AI, on February 2 at 9:30-13:30. We have an interesting lineup of speakers with diverse backgrounds, and we will hold a panel with all of them.
Registration is currently open at https://evenium-site.com/site/ULTIMATE-Workshop-Trustworthy-AI.
DF Young Scientist Conference
I’m proud to be general co-chair for the upcoming Digital Futures Young Scientist Conference, which will be held February 22-23, 2024 at Digital Futures. Abstract submissions are now open!
ECC’24 associate editor
It is my great pleasure to announce that I have been asked to serve as associate editor of the upcoming European Control Conference 2024 (ECC’24).
Automatica outstanding reviewer
I have received a commendation letter as an outstanding reviewer for the journal Automatica for the year 2023.